What Can Your Urine Tell You?
To know your body and understand how it works, takes a little time, patience and awareness - something we are very rarely taught in the modern fast paced world we live in!
One of the primary key indicators is to note urine colour and how it smells...

What Is Your Motion Like?
A major key area in knowing your inner self, is to be aware and understand what your bowel motion colour, texture, size and habits mean to your overall health.
Do you take any notice of what's been eliminated before you flush?
Many patients don't know, they've never taken the time to look, not realising it can reflect so much information back to them.

We all know what it means to be conscious, don’t we? But, what is contained in our consciousness?
‘The contents of consciousness consist of a narrow, dynamic stream of everything we are presently aware of—our perceptions of the external world and bodily sensations, together with our thoughts, actions, emotions, and memories.’ From the book ‘30 second psychology’ thank you.
Read more: Nurturing Humanity's Vitality to Consciously Transform

Have we lost our way? Is the West the Best?
Today I was again reminded of how complicated many of our lives had become... where did the natural and simple life go?
Many years ago, around some 20 or so, I was a School Councillor and delegated to look after an indigenous teacher from South Africa. He was sponsored by his government to study our models of teaching and lifestyle.