Insights and Inspirations: A Journey on The Raft of Life

What is Whole Nutrition?

It's inspired responsible living…its everything! Whole Nutrition reconnects and accelerates you towards your maximum life potential. It’s true; there are certain ‘super foods’ that stand out above all others for their enormous nutritional benefits, as not all foods are created equal. Super foods are packed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, essential fatty acids and other beneficial substances however, these alone will not give you your greatest possible outcome. Whole Nutrition encompasses all aspects of your being. Whole Nutrition is vital as it looks at the whole person’s life and what is most needed to bring them to balance so that they sparkle. It creates harmony out of disease!

 As a result, our current nutrition is the sum total of our life experiences. It is all about what we take in and absorb, by whatever medium. Be careful what you expose yourself to; for you become what you focus on!

Therapeutic fasting is the elite tool of the collection, the one that keeps bodies in prime condition and enables you to become dis-ease free. Your body is a self-renewable vehicle – allow it the space and miracles occur. You will become freer in both mind and body.  

Therapeutic Fasting is a strict regime and it’s important to have an individualised tailored program with my guidance and monitoring throughout. Fasting is an important aspect, whilst breaking the fast even more so. This requires both preparation and commitment.  Find out what is possible for you.  Please note that this IS NOT a benefit for some health conditions!

Our passion is WHOLE NUTRITION in all its aspects. Learn how to use food wisely to enhance your life, not destroy it! Maximise your everyday health, success and longevity.

Whole Nutrition for everyone offers:

  • food as medicine;
  • tailored nutrition guidelines;
  • personalised energising programs;
  • guided therapeutic fasting;
  • medication compatibility;
  • research;
  • vibrational medicine;
  • monitoring and support.

Remember, nutritional therapy offers a further choice to those with life-threatening disease....

Our Founder, Sandy B qualified as a Nutritionist, studying at Endeavour College of Natural Medicine (formerly Australian College of Natural Medicine) in the 1990's.  With her own multiple health and family digestive issues for many years prior, she has much life experience to bring to her clients.

Schedule a free 20 minute chat here

Yours in Health and Happiness

Sandy B.