From the very beginning, Simply Better Health has incorporated purpose and meaning to our business through giving.
As a B1G1 Business for Good partner, we have always believed in putting making a difference right at the heart of what we do.
A simple idea sharing the joy of giving 
Every second, every day and in every way
Right now, even though humanity is facing many challenges, memorable moments are being created all over the globe. Through our own experiences, we know, that giving and receiving small acts of kindness create beautiful smiles.

Let us take you on a journey and share some of the ways Simply Better Health and our clients make a wave of smiles happen around our world, every second, every day and in every way.

And… if you’d like to create smiles around the globe, please scroll down the page, we’d love to have you join us.


Clean Water
11 people get access to life-saving clean water every time a consultation is booked.

27 children get access to life-saving clean water for every book purchased.

Clean water and sanitation are basic human needs. However, up to 29% of the world population still lack access to basic drinking water. With proper infrastructure and facilities,we can put proper water-related ecosystems into place. Your support provides clean drinking water to communities throughout the world that are water scarce, providing access to a basic human right.

Every time you connect to us
You automatically make something amazing happen around the world

Reproductive Health
3 women receive a Reproductive and Child Health Awareness Program every time we see a new baby on a home visit.

11 women in India receive a Reproductive and Child Health Awareness Program every time one of our clients has a baby.
There is a high infant mortality rate in rural India. Historically women give birth at home, attended by a generally untrained birthing assistant. The Academy of Root Development organises comprehensive Reproductive and Child Health Awareness Programs to women.

They learn about their body and about appropriate and safe health practices. The women are also supported to make informed choices and find the pre and post-natal support they need.

Your support provides wages for field staff to be able to deliver information and support participants in accessing health services.

Our core purpose is to create a world that’s full of giving
By unleashing the power of small

Plant a Tree
A tree is planted in the Daintree Forest every time someone attends one of our courses.

Protect the unique biodiversity of the Daintree Rainforest, the oldest rainforest in the world and an important site of international conservation, by planting one rainforest tree.

While most of the Daintree Rainforest was declared a World Heritage Area in 1988, areas of the Daintree Lowland Rainforest were not included and were subsequently divided into rural residential lots, causing fragmentation and loss of habitat for over 122 threatened species, like the Australian Southern Cassowary.

Your contribution will help to restore the habitat of the flora and fauna that call this ecosystem home.

Every time you connect

Every time you connect with us, something great gets done —  it could be children getting access to water or trees getting planted or even goats going to families to give them a sustainable income.

Being a part of B1G1: Business for Good (http://www.b1g1.com) lets us do all of that and much more.
It's so good, we recommend it to everyone we can. We think it's a great way of creating a happier world.

READ MORE about B1G1 here and if you want to join USE MY SPECIAL CODE: GIVING101
during registration to claim your free gift and we can work together to GIVE more.

ps: When you click the button 'JOIN HERE', you'll be taken to the Membership Registration.

Select your membership package ie: if you're a small business like me, get the Tiny Business and ensure you have the referral code in place so you receive your 'GIFT' to enable your first giving.

You can see more about the impact we’re making by checking out our B1G1 ‘Our Giving Impact Widget’ which tracks our giving in real time to see the impact of our giving flowing around the world

Click and drag on the interactive map below