Global Media
Chats around the globe about the Four Seasons of Life
2nd March 2020
Let's Talk Near Death?
Kirsty Salisbury and Sandy B Simmons
In 1999 Sandy B Simmons had a stress related Near Death Experience. She remembers coming out of her body, travelling in a tunnel and meeting balls of light. Sandy had experienced such exhaustion on earth, and welcomed the feeling of ‘rest’, only to be told she could not rest, and had to return back to life.
07th November 2019
Nurturing The Next Generation
Sandy B Simmons
It's in Your Hands, What Will You Do? Sandy B. is an Entrepreneur, International Author and Keynote Speaker; she consults and educates our global community to create simply better ways forward. With a dedicated mission to bring nature back to humanity, SandyB. invites a gathering of the conscious collective to join her journey into a sustainable world to transform global health. Born in London, England, Sandy B. immigrated to Melbourne, Australia at the age of twelve. Having been exposed early in her life to children from many cultural backgrounds, she approaches each new development in her life with a wise openness. Sandy B.’s perspective on life is summed up in her quote, “Don’t let anyone tell you that you have to live a limited life. Be unique and choose the freedom of living your truest purpose and greatest potential.”
07th November 2019
Finding Nature's Way
Sandy B Simmons
Sandy B Simmons is an International Author, Speaker, Naturopathic-Nutritionist, Fertility and Lactation Specialist, who also practices Biological Medicine. She is also the Creator and Director of Simply Better Health Co system of education and services. “When women are pregnant they need nurturing because they are nurturing a bub that is growing.I don’t think society as a whole sees that as a precious gift or something worthwhile. That mindset needs to change.” Sandy sees nature as an infinite well of nurturing for women and their babies. “I’ve always had this dream of putting together this place for women to come and birth in nature.” Rather than the hospital, Sandy is passionate about parents considering birthing in the home — or in nature. “I just think it’s so beautiful for the child. They are birthing into a completely natural space.” Sandy encourages healing through diverse holistic avenues. As an experienced professional she utilizes customized nutrition plans to resolve infertility issues and to promote breastfeeding.
21st November 2018
Sandy B Simmons on Infertility
Sandy B Simmons

Australia’s Oldest Mum Not Too Old If Preconception Taken Care Of

This week a 62-year old woman made history by giving birth to a healthy baby – while she’s a decade over the cut-off date for IVF, there’s no reason she shouldn’t be able to carry a healthy pregnancy to term if preconception is properly planned.


Natural Fertility Expert Headed to Kuala Lumpur to Help Promote Pre-Conception Health

Contamination in the air, water and food in Kuala Lumpur has given rise to a generation of women facing poor fertility accumulated diseases, passed on to offspring.


The Fertility Alchemist - Reflections of Natural Fertility Conception & Contraception

The latest issue of Alchemy Abundance Magazine No. 12 is available for FREE download now!


Advice For Mature Job Seekers

COTA Victoria has been running a project supporting people over 50 to secure employment. People over 50 may find themselves looking for a job because they are getting back into the workforce, changing careers or trying to increase their hours of work.


Every time you connect

Every time you connect with us, something great gets done

—  it could be children getting access to water or trees getting planted or even goats going to families to give them a sustainable income  —