Insights and Inspirations: A Journey on The Raft of Life

 Achieves results of individual maximum potential

Back in 1971 Dr Paavo Airola wrote that Medical Science rediscovered Fasting and its potential.

Fast forward to 2020 and the same has been written, but how many have actually partaken and felt the benefits?

For your physical, mental and spiritual rejuvenation, Therapeutic Fasting has been brought to you again and again… is it time for you to step up to self-care and make it difficult for dis-ease to exist?

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There are many types of fasting from Intermittent to Ramadam.  Intermittent fasting is a good practice to start, it teaches you some self-control and begins to alleviate the already overwhelmed body.  Therapeutic Fasting is the ‘gold’ of fasting as practised in many European sanitariums and in variations around the world.  

I have practised Therapeutic Fasting since the 1990’s and thanks to Dr Vagif Soultanov who led me through my first therapeutic fast* I became adept over the years in self-care and keeping dis-ease at bay.  I have encompassed this in my practise and have led and supported many through individualised therapeutic fasts. 

*I had dabbled in many types of fasting earlier, which did not give me the results I was after and at times had been more detrimental than beneficial.

It is wise to understand Therapeutic Fasting and why this is classed as the most beneficial form for all levels of our being.  It’s good practice too to engage a consultant practitioner who can individualise a program and support you throughout the fasting period (including preparation and breaking the fast)!

Therapeutic fasting does not only give the body a rest from digesting food, which allows it to clean its organs and self, it allows the mind to clear and see THE TRUTH!

This is why many will give up, say it didn’t work etc., as the truth is revealed to them, they are either not ready to face themselves or to take self-responsibility.

There is no right or wrong, when one is ready they are ready!

Fasting is a natural phenomena... eating seasonally, with no pesticides and treatments that are absorbed into our food, will produce a similar effect.

As we have progressed(?) and foods are available all year round, we no longer follow the natural pathway.

Fasting, in many forms, was built into religions and cultures.  Many no longer follow these ways.

What will become of us, without the natural cleansing and clearing of our own temple?  Our mind, body and spirit suffers and our soul is covered so tightly, one cannot access themselves.  We expect someone else to uncover our sacredness!?!

We have forgotten when to STOP!  Ingesting, speaking and being.


Yours in Health and Happiness

Sandy B.