Get the facts here ...
Packaged cereals are made from processed grains, often eaten cold and usually mixed with milk or yogurt, added sugar and sometimes fresh or canned fruit, so what’s the problem…?
You’ve heard that boxed cereals are not so great, but why?
Candida - What is it?
Are you feeling heavy, sluggish, have mental dullness, fluid retention or excess mucous? You may well have an overgrowth of candida, a yeast-like fungi in the body.
A healthy digestive system has ample 'Lactobacillus acidophilus', as well as other intestinal micro-organisms which are indispensible to proper nutrient absorption.
The science of breath states very clearly that proper breathing stimulates the body’s healing processes, from immune function to cell regeneration. Conversely, improper breathing hastens degeneration.
Accumulated experiences from the Yogi Science of Breath, Breathing Free by Hale, BreathWork (sound, colour, movement) with Dian Booth, Transformational BreathWork at Damanhur and the understanding of essential elements as understood by all major Indigenous cultures, all underpin Simply Better Breathwork.
Simply Better BreathWork - Introductory Series
Physical, Mental and Spiritual Breathing for Life
Schedule a free 20 minute assessment to see what BreathWork can do for you.
Yours in Health and Happiness
Sandy B.
In utero and on birthing,
a baby's gut is still developing and very immature. In utero the baby is nourished through the umbilicum, with breast milk being the continuum of this nourishing process on birthing. Breast milk is the bridge between the inside and outside world. Breast milk houses natural human nutrients for the immature gut and body systems to continue to develop outside the womb.