Insights and Inspirations: A Journey on The Raft of Life

 We all stop the process of much that goes on in our lives.  

Even with a simple cold, what do you do?  Do you stop, stay warm and take nourishing warm foods and drinks and rest?  

Most people will take something to stop their cold from progressing, so this is an example of stopping the process.  This just ‘houses’ the cold inside your body.

The cold has not been allowed to proceed, it’s now stuck.  The cold happened for a reason.  Your immune system went into action to remove the dis-ease and asked you to rest so that this process can be cleared quickly and easily.  It didn’t happen…

You’re writing an article.  You don’t have a lot of time and you don’t check it properly.  Slow down, there will be enough time to go through the process to get the end result you would really love, a great article with your name on it!  

It’s the same with baking a cake, driving to an appointment, not saying what you really want to…

What are the consequences of stopping the process?  It will often come back to bite you on the bum, so to speak!  All processes that have not been allowed to proceed will accumulate inside.  This is the beginning of the dis-ease cascade.  

I’m sure you’re starting to get the idea.  It’s time to allow your body and mind to complete it’s unfoldment, so your spirit is free to bring to fruition your soul purpose for being here.

So when we’re considering conceiving, it makes sense to work on yourself before you embark on this remarkable journey into parenthood.  Benefitting not just your offspring but both yourself and your partner.  You’ll be in the pink of health and well prepared to bring the next generation into being.

AND sometimes it’s best to sit back and allow the process to unfold, no pushing or pulling, directing or forcing.  Let nature take the lead.

Yours in Health and Happiness
Sandy Sig
Sandy B.

Breastfeeding  Support  Education