What natural contraception choices do I have after birthing?
Perhaps you conceived easily, your pregnancy was planned and everything went smoothly...
Perhaps you were taken by complete surprise..
It’s taken much time and many avenues for you to become pregnant...
It is important to keep up good nutrition throughout pregnancy as the developing foetus takes first pick of the nutrients and the mother will always come second.
Eating regularly, even little and often especially in the last trimester will prevent digestive problems and increase nutrient absorption.
Calcium, folic acid and iron are required in higher doses during pregnancy, foods rich in these nutrients are as follows:-
Essential oils to avoid during pregnancy
- Basil
- Clary Sage*
- Marjoram - esp. Low blood pressure*
- Peppermint
- Rosemary - esp. High blood pressure
- Sage
- Thyme - mucous membrane irritant
* ok during Labour
Essential oils that are safe during pregnancy, childbirth and post-birthing
Read more: Aromatherapy Oils During Pregnancy, Childbirth and Post-Birthing
Now I’m pregnant - what foods do I avoid and what can I eat?
Does that sound familiar?
Let’s start with foods that may have caused digestive issues before pregnancy...