After 14 years… it’s possible - YOU can do this!
CASE STUDY: Patient recording their recent experience and sharing in hope it will help someone else.
“Changing your life around is not an easy thing!
I found myself in this situation earlier this year when my health finally gave out.
As life moves forward at a greater pace than you could ever have envisaged, you may also have noticed that there’s now a shorter time to gather yourself to complete what you would love to do.
No matter what that is, you will need energy to perform the tasks at hand.
Perhaps you...
Towards the End of Life
As life moves forward at a greater pace than you could ever have envisaged, you may also have noticed that there’s now a shorter time to gather yourself to complete what you would love to do.
No matter what that is, you will need energy to perform the tasks at hand.
Perhaps you...
Achieves results of individual maximum potential
Back in 1971 Dr Paavo Airola wrote that Medical Science rediscovered Fasting and its potential.
Fast forward to 2020 and the same has been written, but how many have actually partaken and felt the benefits?
For your physical, mental and spiritual rejuvenation, Therapeutic Fasting has been brought to you again and again… is it time for you to step up to self-care and make it difficult for dis-ease to exist?
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We all know what it means to be conscious, don’t we? But, what is contained in our consciousness?
‘The contents of consciousness consist of a narrow, dynamic stream of everything we are presently aware of—our perceptions of the external world and bodily sensations, together with our thoughts, actions, emotions, and memories.’ From the book ‘30 second psychology’ thank you.
Read more: Nurturing Humanity's Vitality to Consciously Transform
Have we lost our way? Is the West the Best?
Today I was again reminded of how complicated many of our lives had become... where did the natural and simple life go?
Many years ago, around some 20 or so, I was a School Councillor and delegated to look after an indigenous teacher from South Africa. He was sponsored by his government to study our models of teaching and lifestyle.
A healing crisis is what most of us previously called an ill-ness. In its purest sense, a healing crisis is any condition of discomfort or dis-ease, which means “away from ease.” Whether it is caused by stress, trauma, various agents of chemistry, or “bugs,” a healing crisis is not fun.
When we call “feeling sick” an illness, it has an undesirable or negative connotation, something to be avoided, done away with, or suppressed quickly...