Men-o-Pause naturally...???
Ever wondered what else you could do, when all you're offered is medication? Menopause is a part of the natural process of life... we discuss this whilst embracing the bridge, riding the changes and coming out the other side relatively unscathed! You can too!
16 October 2020
COTA Victoria has been running a project supporting people over 50 to secure employment. People over 50 may find themselves looking for a job because they are getting back into the workforce, changing careers or trying to increase their hours of work.
Identifying your relevant skills
Many mature job seekers feel uncertain about how their previous work experience or skills can translate into the modern workforce. It’s important to identify your ‘soft’ or transferable skills. Soft skills aren’t always work-related: they might be skills that you’ve gained through your lived experience.
Have we lost our way?
Is the West the Best?
Today I was again reminded of how complicated many of our lives had become... where did the natural and simple life go?
Many years ago, around some 20 or so, I was a School Councillor and I was delegated to look after a non-so-white teacher from South Africa. He was sponsored by the government to study our models of teaching and lifestyle.
With my background in health, of course the subject was autonomously raised. After much discussion we both realised that his people were suffering from too little food, medicine and other perceived necessities, with too much being available in the west. He asked the question "How could we make this more balanced"?
Are you happy? Are you really happy?
Really, really happy…??
Have you ever thought it was in someone else’s hands to make you happy? That it is their fault you are in the predicament you are in or why your state of health is so bad? Or that the world is just an awful place, why on earth am I here and why is this happening to me?
Intuitively, we all know we need to address our own issues, at best as they arise…but how often do you hear your self-talk say ‘It doesn’t matter, it will get better on it’s own.’ We do nothing, say nothing, let it ride, things get worse and then we start to feel unwell within…
Sound familiar?