Insights and Inspirations: A Journey on The Raft of Life

Imagine you are standing with your left foot on your Mother’s right shoulder and your right foot on your Father’s left shoulder.

You feel in every cell of your body and you just know that you house within everything that has gone before in your lineage.

So why are you standing on their shoulders?  

To give you further vision than anyone that has gone before – is this evolution?

Of course, humanity moves forward in this way…

The familiar is our marker for knowing we are ok in the world, our own evolution moves us beyond…

We can repeat the familiar patterns of our heritage until we realise that it is not who we really are…

We are an extension and act on our gift of intuition to move forward.  Whilst acknowledging and encompassing the old ways that serve us, coupled with our own intuitive steps brings us to our own individual greatness.

Ever heard “enjoy the journey”?

Are you on your journey or repeating a life that has gone before?

We choose our heritage, our spirit knows which parents to be born to – the lineage that will serve us best on this new adventurous journey of duality, being a spirit having a human experience…

Respect for our parents whatever they appear to have manifested or not been who you would want them to be is critical.  Remember you personally picked them and they gave you life on earth and it’s a 2-way street.  Parents also need to understand the forces at play – the bigger picture – respect their children for they chose to come through you as a couple, to gain your insights at birth, to be nurtured as a spirit in a human body, ready to face the world, way, way, beyond where you as a parent has ever been before…

Remember your children stand on your shoulders, give them the respect they deserve, they are moving in a space that you have not… the essence of evolution!

Yours in Health and Happiness
Sandy Sig
Sandy B.

Breastfeeding  Support  Education