Insights and Inspirations: A Journey on The Raft of Life

So how do we prepare for this journey of reproduction with both our mental and physical bodies?

Will it be unconscious or conscious?

Will we nurture the next generation to grow beyond or will we continue to compromise their mind and body, with unconscious patterns that have been passed on down the family tree?

Preparation in understanding ourselves first, then giving to ourselves the very best nurturing to produce our own birth-right of good health, is best to consider before the next generation of evolvement.

How would it be for you and your partner to birth the healthiest child you could imagine, to the healthiest parents you could be… how would your life look?

You would both enjoy this very special time of togetherness, growth and nurturing enabling your special spirit in a human form who chose you to realise their potential on earth.

The bigger picture is always at work!

We are but small ants at work on earth.  Earth, being our Mother and Father in the spiritual sense…

It is up to us to live within the laws of earth’s nature whilst we are here.  

Are you missing those natural laws that have been hidden over time?

Bring forth with ease your natural presence, your gifts bestowed upon you and nurture yourself to be in alignment with you own true self!

You will benefit not only yourself, but your relationships and your offspring! Life will be enjoyable and the journey exhilarating…

I bring to the table, an age old sense that seems to have been forgotten.  Who are you?  Why are you here?  What is it that you are here to contribute into a beautiful world that appears to be shrouded in confusion?

Simply put!

Clean and clear your own mind and body!  Partner with a life-minded soul!  Move into a respect for being a spirit in a human body, experiencing duality, to consciously partake in allowing another soul to come forth to be in this world, experiencing their journey with the very best foundation possible…

Just imagine the endless possibilities for this new being…

You enable freedom for your child, in turn enabling yourself to be free to continue your own journey without encumbrances of each other.

You have taken the responsibility of evolution to the pinnacle… allow, let go, move on, be responsible for self, allow your child to be who they truly are, without restraint, growing old gracefully with freedom…

Yours in Health and Happiness
Sandy Sig
Sandy B.

Breastfeeding  Support  Education