Insights and Inspirations: A Journey on The Raft of Life

If you did this, would you expect a different result?

Do you know when you don’t feel ok?  Do you listen to your body?  It speaks to you in every single moment, feeding back information to let you know when it’s happy, humming along or not feeling so great.

Sign posts are all over our body, if only we could observe ourselves, we would see when we’re ‘not quite right’.

Do you STOP when your body asks you to?  Would you recover more quickly if you did?  OR do you soldier on and realise that there is nothing else to do but run on empty, thinking you have to do it all.

If you drive a car you know when it needs maintenance.  We listen and observe.  If we didn’t it would STOP, yes STOP!  It can’t go any further, it needs to rest, perhaps even be rebuilt or just refuelled.

So what will you do, suddenly STOP one day, when it’s too late!

Are you repeating the same lifestyle, the same relationships, the same habits over and over again?

Observe yourself and take note.  Are you in touch with your body or treating it like it will keep starting up every morning, forever!

It’s human nature to have habits, some are good and some not so good.

Certainly prevention is better than cure, but when is the tipping point of no return for you?  When will you start to care for YOU?

We could say we are insane living in an insane world which makes you one of the majority.  What if we changed it to ‘I am sane’ living in an insane world?  You would then be part of the minority of people who lead by example.  Now that’s worth living for.

Health is everything, without it our body doesn’t operate well, it becomes cluttered and stuck as does our mind and our soul recedes into the tiny corner from whence it began to flourish.  How can you live a purposeful life in this state?

AND if you’re having trouble conceiving, do you think looking at your overall health is the first step to recovering your natural fertility, not your last?  Natural fertility is your birthright and that of your offspring...

There are many lessons to learn and it’s in your best interests not to repeat them.  

Yours in Health and Happiness
Sandy Sig
Sandy B.

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