Insights and Inspirations: A Journey on The Raft of Life

4th August 2016

This week a 62-year old woman made history by giving birth to a healthy baby – while she’s a decade over the cut-off date for IVF, there’s no reason she shouldn’t be able to carry a healthy pregnancy to term if preconception is properly planned.

Natural Fertility Expert, Sandy B. Simmons said it’s less a matter of the physical age of a woman, but more about having a healthy belief system, clear mind, medication-free body and strong connection with the inner intuition.

“It might sound airy fairy, but these factors have a monumental impact on a woman’s ability to conceive,” said Ms Simmons.

“The most fertile time in a woman’s cycle is before the age of 30-35, the natural fertility cycle of most women wraps up by 50 – however that is not set in stone,” she said.

“Obviously this woman must have taken care of her mind and body to carry a child through pregnancy at such a late stage of life.”

“With endless possibilities, there is less of an expiry date for having children now.”

“Still though, the reality is, the best time to have children is when a woman is in her 20s and 30s.”

“It’s become a trend to wait until all the boxes are ticked – career, travel, love – and many women are waiting until their 40s to start a family.”

Ms Simmons suggested women who are hoping to have children, and have been unable to fall pregnant,

should consider the following preconception care:

  • Understand their own beliefs – separating them from the myths and stories handed down the family tree
  • Gain clarity of mind as to their contribution towards the next generation and their own procreation process
  • Remove unnecessary medications, cleaning and repairing internal functions of their body
  • Connect to their inner intuitive self for guidance
  • Take at least 3-12 months to prepare, to then allow the natural process of conception to occur.

Many would-be-parents search out IVF, often before they have tried natural methods. The general belief is that somewhere between 35-40 a woman has lost the ability to conceive naturally. This is not so.

General consensus and statistics show that IVF, apart from causing high stress to a woman’s body and the mind of both partners, gives as little as a 3% chance of conception. A high price to pay.

Fertility specialist Professor Rob Norman quotes that in 2013 more than 33,000 Australian women had a fertility treatment cycle. He follows by saying that a large chunk of those women could have fallen pregnant without IVF by using simpler and less invasive methods. He also warned that after age, weight was the number one factor affecting fertility for both men and women in Australia.

Women and their partners who would like more information on natural preconception and fertility, may wish to email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or purchase the book
‘Simple Truths, Being Prepared, A Practical Guide for Preconception’
Our website (soft cover and audio book available) or Amazon

With a 25 year career in the health industry as a Lactation Consultation and Natural Fertility Educator, International Author and Speaker, Ms Simmons is one of Australias leading Naturopathic-Nutrition experts.

Interviews available on request -

Media contact:

Sandy B. Simmons  Mob:  0402 051 553  Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.