Vibrational Medicine
Patients receive regular infusions, of herbs, antioxidants, homeopathics and other remedies to stimulate and support immune function, reduce inflammation and restore energy and vitality.
The infusions are an important boost to our other therapies, and in many cases play a crucial role in restoring health. Supplements are no substitute for a proper diet but when dealing with a disease or degenerative state, extra doses of nutrients, especially minerals and antioxidants, are often helpful in reversing the condition.
Schedule a free 20 minute assessment to see what Sandy can do for you.
Yours in Health and Happiness
Sandy B.
Nutritional therapy is the foundation of Simply Better Health at The Raft of Life
which over time becomes our principal method.
Nutritional changes are vital for detoxification, intestinal strengthening and immune up-building – all three healing phases. In addition to providing the basics of nutritional recipes, all patients receive nutritional counselling that is personalized to their situations.
Food is our most important medicine.
Homoeopathic, herbs and essences are among the valuable Simply Better remedies prescribed.
Schedule a free 20 minute assessment to see what we can do for you.
Yours in Health and Happiness
Sandy B.
Sugar arrives in our body in many different forms, mostly hidden...
contributing to obesity, non-alcoholic liver disease and type 2 diabetes and many other health issues...
Refined sugar isn't helping your mind or your body and definitely not doing you any favours, so quitting sounds pretty good, but why would YOU consider removing it from our daily life?
A nutritional paradox,
Sugar is vital for all life on Earth, supplying every muscle, organ and cell in our body, while simultaneously being blamed for the rising obesity, heart and diabetic epidemics.
So what do we do…??
Those little creatures that live within us all...
eeewwwhhh yuuuccckkk you say...
What is a parasite?
An organism (animal or plant) which lives in or on another organism (its host) and benefits by deriving nutrients at the other's expense, ie gets food or protection from it.
Did you know that various parasites infect a major percentage of our population?
Do you have Candida Overgrowth?
Did you know that one of the main factors contributing to most candida proliferation and degeneration of digestive strength is the use of massive and/or repeated doses of broad spectrum antibiotics. These drugs kill off all micro-organisims in the digestive tract - including the favourable ones - and prepares a fertile environment for the growth of yeasts and fungi.
Candida is a negative yeast infection affecting both men and women and can appear in any part of the body such as the underarms, the nails, the mouth, the genitals (including the vagina and the penis) and between the toes. Mouth thrush is where small lesions appear inside the mouth and on the tongue. White patches or cottage-cheese-like lumps appear on the tongue. Mouth thrush is often caused by a weakened immune system so the young and the elderly are at risk. Other variations include nail fungus, penile and the most common vaginal yeast infections. 50 to 75% of all women will have a vaginal yeast infection (often called thrush) during their lifetime. If the level of acidity in the vagina decreases, then too much yeast growth can be the cause.
So if you have chronic tiredness and other symptoms, see below, perhaps you can source your troubles back to the use of antibiotics.
Get the facts here ...
Packaged cereals are made from processed grains, often eaten cold and usually mixed with milk or yogurt, added sugar and sometimes fresh or canned fruit, so what’s the problem…?
You’ve heard that boxed cereals are not so great, but why?
Candida - What is it?
Are you feeling heavy, sluggish, have mental dullness, fluid retention or excess mucous? You may well have an overgrowth of candida, a yeast-like fungi in the body.
A healthy digestive system has ample 'Lactobacillus acidophilus', as well as other intestinal micro-organisms which are indispensible to proper nutrient absorption.